

My teen is heading out of state.  He’s never been so far away from home before.  I’ll admit, I am a bit nervous, but super excited for him to experience things without me hovering about.  I remember my church retreats growing up.  I had so much fun with my friends away from my parents.  I hope he has a blast. ❤

Be Positive



If anyone knows how to “be positive”, it’s my Dad.  This was him when he had first transferred from  Alexandria Inova Rehab Center to HealthSouth Rehab Center in Aldie.  He has long since been home, still wheelchair bound and a good 60lbs lighter.  He has learned to adapt to this way of life, his “new normal” and still manages to smile all day long.  I don’t know how he does it, or where he gets it from but he is most definitely my ‘be positive’ for today.

