Winter Sports


I’ll admit.  I am not a fan of the subject today.  We didn’t get very much snow last night and I was stuck in an office all day so I wasn’t able to meander about.  I was too late to catch the kids sledding down the big hill at the community park near my work, but I ventured out anyway at lunchtime and braved the 16 degree temp. (maybe you can call that being a winter sport? HA!)  Today was one of those days that I took nearly 70 pictures and didn’t like a single one, even after edits.  I am my own worst critic.

This one, I think, best represents a little about me.  I love being out in nature.  Walking in the woods, seeing the sunlight streaming through the trees, and hearing all the different bird calls overlap each other in song.  Even in the dead of winter, things seem so much quieter out there, so peaceful.  I don’t get out there often, but when I do, it is a real breath of fresh air.

I am going to try to stick more to the subject, I feel like its a bit of a fail if I don’t deliver what I am supposed to.  I thought this was going to be a piece of cake, it’s turning out to be really hard!  I think it’s because I just want to do a good job and get better.  Here’s to tomorrow!
